About Per Norrgren

My journey

From being an overworked and stessed out IT Excec to living in peace with self and the world.

Read my story
I am Per Norrgren, living in Wells next the Sea in Norfolk, UK…… click here for more

As an experienced mindfulness instructor with over 10 years of teaching experience, I am deeply committed to sharing the transformative power of mindfulness with others.

My training includes Oxford Mindfulness Foundation, Bangor University, Breathworks and others as well as being a Visiting Tutor at the prestigious Cranfield University School of Management, where I co-developed and taught mindfulness programs to executives from around the world.

Through my own transformative experience and my work as a teacher, I have witnessed first-hand how the simple practice of mindful awareness can profoundly improve one’s mental health, relationships, performance, and overall wellbeing.

My aim as a teacher is to make these benefits accessible to people from all walks of life. I offer MBCT, MBSR, Mindfulness For Life (MBCT-L), Deeper Mindfulness, Retreats, Coaching, Supervision and Mentoring for professionals, corporations and general public.

Whether you are seeking life balance, improved work performance, or deeper meaning, the careful cultivation of mindful awareness can help you thrive.

With over fifteen years of immersive study and practice, I have a wealth of experience and knowledge to share. I invite you to explore mindfulness with me and discover its potential to transform your life from the inside out. By learning these skills together, we can build a more mindful, compassionate world.

My approach

Is not to teach you, but to travel with you on your journey, exploring your inner peace and how you can access the sanctuary within.